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Feisty Faz Fires 5's Four Points Free

The fortress that is usually Trinity school has taken some battering in the recent weeks. With Bec 1 claiming victory it was Bec 5's turn to chip away at their defences. Yes all the usual tricks were there. Trojan 2s players appearing, King Geez overseeing the battle with some the selective whistling and a box full of jesters in charge of the score board and timer. But Bec, buoyed by four wins in a row, were resolute. Despite trailing at half time, there was some excellent shooting by Karen Sparrow, Faz (who never touched the wall ref) and plenty of basket ticklers from Anshul, Jenny and big powerhouse pappa John Wilson. Kermit's beautiful flowing moves and equally flowing beard meant Bec 5 went in victorious 9-8.

It's been a privilege being part of Bec 5 this season. Ever supported by Shane Wilson and some new talent emerging with Gary and Jess - it's clear Bec is alive and kicking at both ends of the leagues. 5 wins and four points clear. Bec 5 could surely go all the way.

John Wilson (3)

Karen Sparrow (3)

Faz Janova (3)

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